

The Owners - Jake Curran

30 June 2023

Fantastic reviews for the wonderful Jake Curran in The Owners.

“The standout is Curran, as the snarling, thoroughly vile Gaz. His screen presence is really something here, playing comfortably the nastiest character in the movie, with genuine, little-room-for-doubt menace. His is a snarling, believable and impactful performance. You can’t take your eyes off him, and he’s incredibly unsettling to watch.” - The Big Issue

“Jake Curran is compelling as a different, much more realistic kind of antagonist, who gets to deliver a brilliant (albeit brief) monologue during the first act.” -

“ Gaz (Jake Curran) being the group's standout. The ringleader who is by far the one person willing to go "all the way," I enjoyed the hell out his sinister performance and would argue that he kinda stole the first act.” -

“Jake Curran oozes menace and sleaze in the role and departs the picture way too soon.” -